Date: 2018-09-15 to 2018-09-17
If the cities are not that big I usually decide to hike to the hotel. Just to see the city and get more of the people who live here. Well Omsk with 10 km to the hotel was really a hard hike with a big backpack. I nearly twisted my ankle so I got to know Omsk the hard way.
The other thing is that I had to give up some hope and my girlfriend and I ended our relationship.
Not the best memories bound to that town.
Well Omsk itself has a nice historic and good renovated city center with a cathedral, a theater and some museums. But the center is rather small. In Omsk there are several bridges – one was modernized so not useable, because in Omsk is the junction of river Irtysch and Om.
About the author leopoldk
Journey continued
Night train to Hue